We've got signal, but what the heck is it?
That's your mission. Analyze this bébé.
download the audio file 18.wav.bz2
hints :
No need to bunzip2 this file since baudline can automatically uncompress
bzip2 files.
Setup baudline to be a Web Browser helper application as described in the
Slow down the play back speed to 0.125X or 0.250X with the
Play Deck's speed control
and listen for sonic details that would otherwise be missed.
Zoom into the time domain (Alt+Up or Alt+wheel) to see quickly changing clicks
and rattles. Try using the
Kaiser window with a beta
of 25. to improve the focus of the time resolution.
Improve visualization of the weak signals that are down in the noise floor by
increasing the Lower dB value in the
Color Aperture.
Setting the Upper parameter to -20 dB and the Lower parameter to -100 dB will
nicely frame the color resolution to match the dynamic range of this particular
mystery signal.
What is it?
Tune in next month for the answer and yet another mystery signal of the month.
For last months mystery signal click the right arrow below.